Yesterday, I took a walk in the park. (See picture above this blog.)

I walked past this spot, and there was nothing there.

Early this morning, I walked past that same spot again. Apparently, a big branch broke off during the night.

No big deal. Happens all the time. Especially when it storms.

Only … it didn’t storm.

For whatever reason, the tree released the branch. Or the branch released the tree. Who knows?

It made me think of these cliché posts you read in the fall.

(I’ve written quite a few of those myself. Hell, I’m doing it as we speak! ;-))

You know, the ‘look-how-nature-drops-its-leaves-what-can-you-let-go-of-now’ posts.

But something different struck me when I saw that branch this morning.

What I often see in my clients, is that they equate letting go with struggling.

They think letting go is hard, or requires work, commitment, and dedication.

It can be, yes. Especially when you come at it with a ‘let’s-get-rid-of-this-shit’ attitude.

It doesn’t have to be hard, though.

On the contrary!

Letting go can be simple, gentle, effortless.

Just like this branch quietly dropped without a storm.

It just … let go.

The same thing can be true for whatever you’d like to release:

Obstacles, limiting beliefs, patterns that no longer serve you…

I’ll teach you how to release all of it in my upcoming workshop Break Free—effortlessly overcome your hidden barriers without pushing, forcing, or figuring out what’s keeping you stuck.

Sign up today for only €67 and learn how easy it can be

(Replay available if you can’t join live on Friday, September 27.)



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Break Free—Effortlessly release hidden barriers. Live Sept 27. Replay included!Join the workshop