I was 15 when I first came across this line from Taoism:

“The master, she acts not, yet everything gets done.”

An electric jolt shot through me: this was possibly the deepest truth about life I had ever heard.

Not that I understood how it’s possible to get things done without acting.

But something deep inside me woke up. I felt it in every cell of my body: This is how life is meant to be.

Life could be easy, and inner freedom was always available.

Yet, that wasn’t how I experienced life.

It wasn’t how anyone around me experienced it, either. Most people seemed to struggle, work hard, and experience little joy.

For YEARS I had NO idea how to live (let alone work!) effortlessly, but I was determined to find out.

Fast forward to 2003, when I started my business.

I thought: This is it! I’ll finally find the ease and freedom I’ve been searching for!



Sure, I LOVED working with clients. But everything else? Growing my business? Getting clients? Making enough money to pay the bills?

NONE of that felt effortless.

But that struggle was an invitation to go deeper into what I knew to be true about life: ease, freedom, and flow are always available—even in business.

It took me a while to figure it out, but now I live and work from this space of flow.

And the more I practice it, the more effortless everything becomes.

Effortless action is not an empty promise— it’s your natural state.

And when you learn how to access it, life—and business—change completely.

You stop struggling, pushing, or forcing anything.

Growth happens naturally.

You do less, and everything still gets done.

I know it can be hard to believe, especially when society constantly tells us that success requires hard work and perseverance.

But I’m here to show you there’s another way.

A way where you get to enjoy life, enjoy your business, and still get everything done with so much more ease.

This is the starting point of effortlessness:

Being present, right here, right now, with whatever you think, feel, or sense in this moment.

When you are present, you’re not lost in the mind, the place where all force and stress are born.

You’re in a state of awareness, your natural state, where everything flows without effort.

Be present as often as you can, and see how different you feel … and how ease enters your life more and more.

It sounds simple. It’s just not always easy.

That’s why I created the program Effortless Action for Women Entrepreneurs. 

Read all about it and get started here.

To effortlessness and ease,



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