Put Yourself First, Baby!

Meet Brigitte

Imagine a business and life you adore, free from (financial) stress and compromise …

Through a simple shift in consciousness, this is within your reach!

By shifting from living from the mind to living from a state of awareness, you experience the freedom, flow and ease that are your true nature.

Action becomes effortless.

Your inner wisdom leads the way (instead of getting distracted by self-criticism, self-doubt, or what others do and expect from you).

You do business and life in ways that are a perfect, natural fit for YOU.

No matter where you are on your path, I can help you make this a reality.

Ready to experience the freedom, joy and fulfilment that await when you align your business with your True Self?

Start here, by signing up for free inspirational articles delivered to your inbox irregularly.

I look forward to inspiring you. 🙂

About Brigitte—short bio:

I’m a writer and master coach for women entrepreneurs, helping you create a business and life you adore, free from (financial) stress and compromise.
By making a simple shift in consciousness, you’ll experience freedom, flow, and true alignment with who you are, allowing your business and life to unfold effortlessly.
With over 20+ years of coaching experience, I’ve helped thousands of women make their dreams real. My clients have published their first books, doubled their incomes, launched global businesses, and realized their most important dreams and desires.
I’m the author of seven books, including ‘The Art of Divine Selfishness—transform your life, your business & the world by putting YOU first’ and ‘The Happy Hermit—how to thrive as an introvert entrepreneur.’
A lifelong seeker of true and lasting freedom, I didn’t rest until I finally found it. Shifting into higher consciousness and dropping ever more conditioning brought me the freedom, ease, and flow I always wanted.

I can help you do the same.

“I highly recommend Brigitte as she will help anyone break with limiting beliefs and enter a state of freedom, creativity, and flow.”

Victoria Pericot

About Brigitte—the long(er) story of how I finally found the true freedom I’d always searched for:

All I ever wanted was to be free.

When I was 15, I read something about Taoism. “The master, she acts not, yet everything gets done.” That sentence blew my mind. I didn’t understand what it meant, but I knew that this was what life was all about. Complete inner freedom and peace like the Taoists had was what I wanted, too!

In 2003 I started my coaching business. I helped women find meaning and purpose and create a business & life on their own terms, in their own way, without compromising or sacrificing anything.

That’s the path I walked in my own life, too.

I created massive INNER freedom by doing tons of mindset work. I healed, journaled, worked with my inner child, and worked with the best coaches to release inner boundaries and fears.

I learned numerous tools to liberate myself AND my clients from limiting beliefs and became a master in helping my clients get amazing breakthroughs and transformations.

I created massive OUTER freedom by creating a schedule that allowed me to grow my business while only making 4 appointments per week (at most) for 3 weeks per month—every 4th week was my hermit-week, my completely appointment-free week.

I stopped making business plans and setting goals in 2016, and let my intuition guide me 24/7 instead, not knowing what the next week or month would bring.

Over the years, I found more and more inner peace and relaxation. I finally understood what the Taoists meant when they said that the master doesn’t act, yet everything gets done. I was LIVING that truth.

I did everything in my own way, without compromising anything I held dear. I sacrificed nothing to grow my business and experienced more freedom than anyone I knew.

But …

Something was still missing.

I hadn’t found complete inner freedom yet.

The same issues and fears came up every time I took a next step in my business.

I still worried and stressed about money at times.

I still often felt unsafe.

I still often wondered if I was good enough, worthy enough, deserving enough of an even better, easier, more effortless life.

I still sometimes doubted if I was doing the right things or if I should be doing more.

And there were dreams I’d had for YEARS that didn’t seem to get any closer, no matter what I did.

I knew more was possible and this was not all there was.

But where and how could I find the piece that was still missing?

My unending search for complete inner freedom, living life to the fullest and enjoying each moment, lead me to the answer:

To drop my conditioning and see through the illusion of who I thought I was and everything I believed about life and myself. I shifted into the higher consciousnesses of my True Self—not just as an intellectual knowing, but experientially, as a lived reality.

This changed everything.

I found the freedom I always searched for by seeing through the illusion of being a person and remembering who I REALLY am.

This isn’t only possible and available for me. 

It’s available for YOU, too!

Your life can become more beautiful than you can imagine in your wildest dreams as well.

True and lasting freedom, ease, peace, flow and joy are yours already.

I can help you drop your conditioning and shift into the higher consciousness of your True Self*.

Apply to work with me.

*(Which, by the way, is not your personal True Self. There is only one, and we are It—everything is It.)

My life changed completely!

I found inner peace; love my work more; have more energy, more free time, and I’m happier overall.

Everything is so much better now.

Thank you, Brigitte!

Petra Jungblut


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