One of my private clients recently shared something beautiful with me.

She told me how happy she is to finally be living the life she always dreamed of.

But at the same time, she noticed that subtle forms of resistance were coming up.

This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s completely normal for happiness to feel unsettling sometimes.

Our nervous system is wired to steer us back to what we know, because the familiar feels safe—even when what we know is something we’ve outgrown or no longer want.

This is why, when we step into new, positive changes, our system can feel unsettled.

It often takes some time for something new to settle into our body and system.

What does this mean for you?

Perhaps you’ve experienced resistance to happiness, too, and wondered why that happens.

It’s a natural response, and simply noticing it is the first step.

When you notice resistance, acknowledge it without trying to change it.

This awareness itself can create space for new, positive experiences to become more familiar and comfortable.

Don’t worry if something is wrong.

All is well and there’s nothing to fix or worry about. Just be aware of your resistance and discomfort.

Soon, what feels weird and uncomfortable today will become your new normal.

To happiness and embracing ALL your feelings, even when they seem contradictory,



P.S.: Do you yearn to live the life you’ve always dreamed of and experience what it’s like to have a business and life you adore? 

I can help.

Read all about my 1-1 coaching here, and apply for a chat on Zoom with me to discover if working with me is your best next step.

(No strings, no cost!) 

Read all about my 1-1 coaching here

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