Many people don’t rest enough.

Our culture is so focused on productivity that the balance between action and rest is completely gone.

But you need BOTH.

My clients often realize how bone-tired they are only when I invite them to become more present and observe their inner state.

Only then do they notice how tense and tired they are.

Here’s the truth:

You don’t have to work all the time.

Doing less actually leads to greater fulfillment.

Your intuition and body always signal when it’s time to act and when it’s time to rest. Listen to them.

I know, the mind is always pushing you to be productive and use your time ‘wisely’ and efficiently.

Ignore this inner pressure.

Listen to your deeper knowing instead.

This will naturally help you find your own balance and rhythm.

(To reassure your mind: yes, everything you ‘need’ to do still gets done when you follow your intuition! The only difference is: it will get done effortlessly at the perfect time. 😉)

So, if you feel like taking a nap, slowing down, going to bed early, or just sitting and doing nothing:

Do that.

If you can’t rest right now, try moving a bit slower, breathing a bit deeper, and bringing your attention to this moment. This can release some tension and give you a chance to recharge, even if only a little.

To taking it easy!

(And if you want to learn how to always take effortless action and watch your business and life unfold with ease, my program Easy Breezy Business—build and grow your business effortlessly and stress-free is exactly what you need!

Oh, and writing this post is an example of effortless action in action. 🙂

I was quietly relaxing, staring at the water and the sky (see picture below), when inspiration came up and I wrote this post.

It took me as long as it takes to type to write it.

No pressure or searching for inspiration was needed.



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