If you suffer from never-enoughness…

Never enough time.

Never enough energy.

Never enough money.

Never enough joy, happiness, fulfillment, courage, confidence, commitment, discipline, security, safety.

Never doing enough.

Never BEING enough.

Whatever you feel you have not enough of, know this:

Underneath all feelings of scarcity and lack flows a river of abundance.

This might feel out of reach, especially when you wonder how to pay next month’s rent or your actual survival is at stake.

Scarcity feels real because in many ways, it is. There are very real situations and systems that create lack and hardship for millions.

And still, there’s another truth.

One that lives in the space between thoughts, between moments of struggle and striving, in the part of you that simply IS.

This space doesn’t deny real-life challenges, but it also isn’t bound by them. Beneath all conditions, beyond every sense of not-enough, is a boundless awareness that doesn’t diminish by what we have or lack.

This river of abundance isn’t about pretending there aren’t problems to face.

It’s an invitation to recognize that even in moments of perceived scarcity, there’s a part of you that is always full, whole, and at peace—no matter what’s happening externally.

So while scarcity may exist in the outer world, there’s a depth within you that remains untouched, unaffected.

Tuning into this inner fullness doesn’t solve every problem but can shift the way you experience them.

It’s here, in this state of inner abundance, that new possibilities can arise—even if they first appear as a gentle breath of peace amid the storm.

From this space, solutions may unfold more naturally, and the sense of never-enough can begin to dissolve—not because you’re ignoring life’s challenges, but because you’re seeing them from a place of fullness.



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