There so many things you can do to grow your business.

How do you know what will work for YOU?

Ages ago, I used to feel conflicted about what to do.

I had NO idea which strategy could work for me, and I figured that business coaches who were more successful than I was, probably knew better than me.

This resulted in me taking actions I didn’t like, but I thought I had to take to grow my business.

I didn’t enjoy that, and it didn’t work for me either. This made me doubt my abilities as an entrepreneur. (And made doing business harder and less fun.)

Why did things that seemed to work for everyone else did NOT work for ME?

Over the years, I learned what worked for me, and how to figure out my own way of doing business. And I’ve helped my clients, who struggled with similar issues, find their own way as well.

Here are 3 tips that can help you find your own way, too.

Tip #1:

Reflect on this first: do you even want to grow your business?

Somehow, most people take this as a given. Of course you want to grow your business!

But …. do you?

Do you really?

Even though everyone seems to think it’s only natural to want to grow your business, that still doesn’t mean it’s something that is natural or desirable for you.

Tip #2:

Know that whatever is meant for you, will come to you.

This also means that if your business is meant to grow, it WILL. If not, it won’t.

When you let this sink in, it takes the pressure off.

I mean, what’s there to stress about when you know that what’s meant for you will come some way, some day?


Everything always works out one way or another.

Tip #3:

You always know what’s right for you by paying attention to your inner knowing, your private compass.

When you are present in this moment and turn your attention inwards, you feel what you resonate with.

You can sense glimmers of joy, feelings of excitement, or a simple knowing, somehow, that something is right for you.

If you feel excitement about creating Reels, for example, do that. If you enjoy writing newsletters, do that.

If NO idea speaks to you, don’t do anything. This is a sign that you haven’t come across the right idea OR it’s not the right time yet.

Be present.

Practice listening to your inner knowing.

Follow what feels right in each moment.

Drop thoughts and beliefs that make you doubt yourself or put pressure on you.

Know that your clients WILL find you, whatever you do—or don’t do!

Even if you don’t do ANY marketing at all, whomever is meant to work with you will somehow find you.

(I know from personal experience how true this is. My first few clients found me 23 years ago when I had NO website, did ZERO marketing and NO networking. AT ALL.

On the contrary: I locked myself up in my home and went in full blown hermit-mode for the first year in business. And clients still found me …)

Stop turning your attention outwards and constantly try to find answers in the outer world.

Turn inwards instead and listen to your inner guidance.

That’s how you ALWAYS know what’s right for you, regardless of what others think or what works for others.

If you want to learn more about this, check out my program Easy Breezy Business—build and grow your business effortlessly and stress-free.

What I shared with you in this blog is a great starting point to relax more in your business.

This program takes your relaxation, flow and ease to the next levels. 🙂

Discover how to grow your business with ease and start Easy Breezy Business today!

To freedom, ease, and ALWAYS knowing what’s best for YOU,




P.S. This is how Edith experienced Easy Breezy Business:

“Since this program, I’m working less and have more time for myself.

I said ‘no’ to clients, said ‘no’ to new projects, and changed the days I want to have appointments with clients.

My life is so much more fun!

I really enjoy the things I do.”

Edith Helwegen, edithhelwegen . nl


Do you want to experience this, too?

Discover how to grow your business with ease and start Easy Breezy Business today! 

Why wait?

The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll enjoy more freedom and time for yourself. 🙂

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