I used to think I had to ‘prepare’ for the new year by reflecting and planning.
If I didn’t, I worried I’d miss out on something important.
Newsflash: You won’t.
If reflecting and dreaming feels right, do it! Your natural inspiration always shows you what’s best for you.
And if you DON’T feel like doing any of this? Don’t.
Life unfolds perfectly, with or without dreaming.
Business unfolds perfectly, with or without planning.
You won’t miss out on anything. What’s meant for you will always come to you.
Just be present to what calls you NOW.
Is it reflecting on the past year? Do it.
Is it eating an apple and taking a nap? Do that.
Is it staring at the clouds? Yep, do that.
Whatever calls you now is what’s right for you now.
Presence is enough. Always.
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