As I continue to share common signs that hidden barriers may be affecting your growth, today’s focus is on something many entrepreneurs struggle with: fear of failure.

It’s a fear that can show up in different ways:

Maybe you delay starting something new because you worry it won’t turn out the way you hope. Or you play it safe in your business—sticking to what you know because the thought of trying something bold feels too risky.

Fear of failure can be sneaky.

It can hide behind reasons that sound completely legitimate, like ‘Now is not the right time’ or ‘I need to do X first’.

This fear doesn’t just keep you from taking action—it keeps you from reaching your full potential.

And the worst part? It can make you doubt yourself and your abilities.

But here’s the thing: fear of failure is just a surface issue.

The real issue is the deeper stories and beliefs about what failure would mean for you.

Maybe you’ve tied your success to your self-worth, believing that failure reflects who you are. Or maybe you fear the judgment or disappointment that could come from others.

The good news is, you don’t have to overcome this fear in the traditional sense.

You don’t need to push it down or force yourself to be brave.

When you make a simple shift in consciousness, fear naturally dissolves.

That’s because fear is a product of the mind—and when you shift into a higher state of awareness, the mind’s grip loosens, and those fears lose their power.

You don’t need to figure it all out, because the barriers that hold you back release you.

In my upcoming workshop Break Free, I’ll teach you how to make this shift so you can let go of the fear of failure (and any other hidden fears) and move forward with confidence.

Ready to break free from fear?

Join me live on Friday, September 27 (Replay available!) for just €67.



Explore more in this series:

#1 Procrastination (The simple shift that helps you break through procrastination)

#2 Perfectionism (How to release perfectionism without fighting or fixing it)

#3 Undercharging (How to stop undercharging and keeping yourself small)

#4 Avoiding visibility (How to overcome your fear of being seen without forcing yourself)

#5 Over delivering (How to know if you’re over delivering (and why that’s harmful)

#6 Fear of failure (How to easily drop your fear of failure.)

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Break Free—Effortlessly release hidden barriers. Live Sept 27. Replay included!Join the workshop