Years ago, I was looking for a new apartment to rent. I finally found one I REALLY liked. I was not the only one who was interested: I was one of 10 people invited to come see the apartment. And I was NOT the one who had first choice; I was 7th in line for this apartment.

As I walked around the apartment, I could see myself living there. So could the other people who were there. They were visibly worried and stressed about their chances of being able to rent the place.

Even though I REALLY wanted the apartment and KNEW I was 7th in line, I wasn’t worried.


Because I knew that what’s meant for you, will come to you. If this was ‘my’ apartment, it didn’t matter how many others wanted it—the place would be mine. If not, something else would come my way.

Long story short: I still live in that apartment today. 😉

And I still don’t worry about things I want or think I need. I don’t worry if a potential client signs up or not. I don’t worry how many people sign up for a program, buy my books, like my posts, or anything else.

Whatever unfolds is, apparently, what is meant to be. Otherwise, something different would happen.

The same is true for you.

Whatever is meant for you WILL come to you.

Don’t worry about when, how, or even IF it happens.

Just be present and aware of THIS moment.

Watch life unfold and see how EVERYTHING always works out somehow—whether you stress about it or not. So, you might as well drop the stress. 😉

(And if you ache to live and do business stress-free, effortlessly and with ease, too, check out my new program Easy Breezy Business. We start next week! )



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