Every Sunday morning, I send an email to my private clients as a gentle reminder to relax, be present, and just BE.⁣

I’m sharing today’s message with you, too, hoping it will inspire you to relax into each moment.⁣



“On the threshold of 2023 and 2024 I’d like to remind you that new beginnings don’t occur at the beginning of a new week, month, day or year.

Each moment is fresh, alive, full of vibrancy and joy.

Thoughts, emotions, and sensations can temporarily obscure this freshness, but that doesn’t mean this freshness isn’t there.

It’s ALWAYS there.

Take some time to just BE and notice whatever comes up in you today.

Pay attention to the knowing that you’re alive, that you ARE.

Don’t think about it.

Just pay attention to the sense that you’re alive.

The more you practice this, the more you’ll notice the profound peace, quiet joy, and deep sense of well-being that’s always present underneath all thoughts and emotions.

The more you practice this, the more this peace and joy move from the background of experience to the forefront, and the more you realize that well-being is your True Nature.

Shitty things can still happen. Negative emotions can still come up.

Watch them come and go as best you can, and remember that you’re the space these comings and goings appear in.

May you experience more and more of your True Nature, the peace, joy and LIFE that you are, this year.

May you come to realize more and more, deeper and deeper, that TRULY all you have to do is just BE.

Life takes care of itself.

Just chill, relax, and watch it all unfold.

That is all. ❤️

Happy New Year!”




P.S.: Want to shift into higher consciousness and experience more freedom, ease, flow and joy than you could ever imagine? 

I can show you how.

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