by Brigitte van Tuijl | Feb 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
You may think you need to do one or more of these 13 things to get what you want and realize your dreams. But you don’t. #1 You don’t need to set a goal. You don’t need a timeline. You don’t need a plan. You don’t need a deadline. #2 You don’t need to know how to get...
by Brigitte van Tuijl | Feb 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
All I ever wanted was to be free. When I was 15, I read something about Taoism: “The master, she acts not, yet everything gets done.” That sentence blew my mind. I didn’t understand it. But I knew—this was it. This was what life was about. This was the kind of inner...
by Brigitte van Tuijl | Feb 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
It doesn’t matter what your issue is. Whether it’s weight, money, relationships or growing your business. Whether it’s lack of confidence, fear of visibility, or uncertainty about your next step. EVERYTHING you experience as a problem has ONE cause: Your mind. EVERY...