Today marks the final day of my series on common signs that hidden barriers may be affecting your growth. So let’s end with a bang with: fear of success.

Most of us are familiar with the fear of failure, but did you know it’s possible to have a fear of success at the same time?

I used to experience both.

On one hand, I was terrified of failing. And on the other hand, I was just as scared of what might happen if I actually succeeded.

What if I couldn’t handle the increased pressure? What if more success meant more responsibility, more expectations, or even more criticism?

Fear of success can often feel counterintuitive. 

You want to grow, expand, and succeed, but at the same time, there’s this underlying worry: What will success demand of me?

Will I have to work harder to maintain it? Will it take away my freedom? Will it change how people see me—or how I see myself?

These hidden fears can sabotage your progress, keeping you stuck in a cycle of hesitation and indecision.

But here’s the thing: fear of success, like fear of failure, is just the surface issue.

The real challenge lies in the deeper stories and beliefs that fuel those fears.

Maybe you’ve tied success to struggle, believing that more success will demand more work and less freedom. Or maybe you fear being judged by others if you grow.

The good news is, you don’t have to push through these fears or force yourself to take bigger risks. 

When you make a simple shift in consciousness, both fear of failure and fear of success naturally start to dissolve.

Why? Because both fears are creations of the mind. And when you shift into a higher state of awareness, you no longer have to fight the mind or its fears—the barriers release you, and you can move forward with ease and confidence.

In my workshop Break Free—effortlessly overcome your hidden barriers without pushing, forcing or figuring anything out, I’ll teach you how to make this shift—so you can dissolve the fear of success, failure, or whatever hidden barriers may be holding you back.

Ready for a deep transformation??

Get instant access for only 67 Euros. 

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Explore more in this series:

#1 Procrastination (The simple shift that helps you break through procrastination)

#2 Perfectionism (How to release perfectionism without fighting or fixing it)

#3 Undercharging (How to stop undercharging and keeping yourself small)

#4 Avoiding visibility (How to overcome your fear of being seen without forcing yourself)

#5 Over delivering (How to know if you’re over delivering (and why that’s harmful)

#6 Fear of failure (How to easily drop your fear of failure.)

#7 Fear of success (How you can fear both success AND failure (and how to release both)

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