This week, I’ve been sharing common signs that hidden barriers may be affecting your growth. Today, let’s talk about avoiding visibility—something that crippled me in the first years of my business.

I was terrified of being seen.

The idea of putting myself out there, showing up online, or even speaking about my work, felt like too big a risk. What if people didn’t like me? What if they judged me? What if they saw through me and realized I wasn’t good enough?

I played small for a long time because of this fear, and it kept me from growing in ways I knew I could.

If you’ve ever found yourself hiding from opportunities to be visible—whether that’s speaking up, sharing your work, posting online, or putting yourself out there—it’s likely not just a lack of confidence.

It’s something deeper.

Often, there are hidden fears behind the avoidance of visibility—fear of judgment, fear of being criticized, or fear of standing out. It’s a defense mechanism, keeping you “safe” from being seen.

But here’s the thing: avoiding visibility comes at a cost.

When you stay hidden, you also hide your value, your voice, and the impact you could be making.

It’s draining, too. It takes so much energy to stay small and keep yourself from being seen.

The good news is, you don’t need to force yourself to be more visible.

You don’t need to push yourself into the spotlight before you’re ready.

When you make a simple shift in consciousness, your fears of being visible can dissolve on their own.

In my upcoming workshop Break Free—effortlessly overcome your hidden barriers without pushing, forcing, or figuring out what’s keeping you stuck, I show you exactly how to make this shift—without forcing, pushing, or trying to figure out what’s holding you back.

For just €67, you’ll learn how to dissolve the hidden barriers that keep you from showing up fully in your business and life.

Click to get access to the workshop here. 

You get instant access to the workshop within minutes after your purchase is complete.




Explore more in this series:

#1 Procrastination (The simple shift that helps you break through procrastination)

#2 Perfectionism (How to release perfectionism without fighting or fixing it)

#3 Undercharging (How to stop undercharging and keeping yourself small)

#4 Avoiding visibility (How to overcome your fear of being seen without forcing yourself)

#5 Over delivering (How to know if you’re over delivering (and why that’s harmful)

#6 Fear of failure (How to easily drop your fear of failure.)

#7 Fear of success (How you can fear both success AND failure (and how to release both)

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