Why nothing you chase will make you happy

Why nothing you chase will make you happy

Every time you feel happy, it has nothing to do with your circumstances. It’s not because you’re in love, you closed a big deal, reached a big goal or got a new car. And it’s not because someone else made your heart melt. It’s because, for a little while, there was NO...
Let life be pointless

Let life be pointless

For years, I felt lost in meaningless jobs. Meaningless to ME, that is.  So I ached to find meaning. Purpose.  I was convinced that finding it would make my work finally click into place. And when I found my purpose? That’s what actually happened. It felt like...
How to lighten your life right now

How to lighten your life right now

Most of the time, we don’t experience this moment. Not really. We experience our thoughts about this moment. We experience our judgments of what’s happening. We experience our plans for what’s next or our memories of what’s already gone. But the actual moment? The one...