When you look from the outside at how I market my business, you may think it’s pure unstructured chaos.

And perhaps sometimes you think it’s very well thought out.

Here’s what it really is:

I’m winging it.

What looks like chaos?


What looks like strategy?


What looks like a well-thought out sequence of emails or posts?

Winging. Winging. Winging.

Sometimes I think things through a little bit.

When, last Thursday, I decided to host my Writing from Presence this Friday, here’s what thinking things through looked like:

Okay, I’m keeping it low profile. Just a friendly invitation.

Those who resonate will sign up if they’re able to be there, so no need to convince anyone.

I can send, let me see, maybe 3 emails to my list?

And I’ll invite people to join on my social media accounts, too.

Great! ‘Launch plan’ done!

Seriously. This is what it looks like.

I’m not attached to this initial idea.

Maybe I’ll send more emails, maybe I’ll send less.

I’ll know in the moment.

Maybe I’ll post something on social media daily.

Maybe I’ll post twice in total.

Maybe something else unfolds.

I’ll know in the moment.

This is how I do everything.

This is how I live.

One of my clients recently asked me:

“Can you share more behind the scenes of how you do business and how you move through your days?

That really helps me to be more intuitive and in the moment, too.”

Perhaps you like peeking at how others do stuff, too.

Voila. Here you go. 🙂

How do you market your business?

How do you do life?

Plan everything? Think things through?

Wing it, like me? A combo?

There is no right or wrong way.

There’s only what’s right for YOU.

What does that look like for you?

Oh, and if the words Writing from Presence resonate, check it out here.

It’ll be a nice, quiet break from busyness, noise and daily life where we meditate, get present, and write whatever words come up and out.

No pressure, no goals, no trying to write something beautiful.

Just presence, peace and whatever words come up.

See you there?





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