Here’s what I do to quickly get out of an emotional funk:
Absolutely nothing.
Let me explain:
We learn that we should always strive to feel good—or at least as good as possible.
If we don’t feel good, we try to avoid, suppress, or fix that feeling, or find ways to distract ourselves from it.
That’s what we’re conditioned to do.
And so people smoke, drink, use drugs, and do myriads of other things to make themselves feel better, if only temporarily.
The self-help, self-improvement, and personal growth industry overflows with tips, advice, exercises, and tools to help you feel better, too.
And then there’s the Law of Attraction, which teaches us that our thoughts become things and our energy attracts like energy.
This makes us scared of ‘negative’ thoughts and ‘bad’ feelings.
These might attract more bad things to us!
And off we go again, trying to find better-feeling thoughts or using whatever tool, exercise, or trick to raise our vibration and feel better.
But what if there’s no actual “funk” to get out of?
What if all we’re ever experiencing is temporary sensations passing through—only made real by the labels we put on them?
Every thought is simply a thought.
Every emotion is simply an emotion.
And every feeling is simply a feeling.
They’re powerless—until we believe otherwise.
They pass by in the awareness we are, like clouds passing in the sky.
The mind judges and labels thoughts, feelings, and situations as good or bad.
It tries to hold on to the good and get rid of the bad.
But we are SO much more than we think we are.
We’re not human beings, governed by our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
We are Life itself, expressing itself as us, through us.
Everything we think, feel, or experience is a temporary happening in the wholeness we are, arising and falling back, always changing and shifting, yet leaving our true nature of Pure Awareness unchanged and unharmed.
This shift from identifying with our thoughts and emotions to recognizing ourselves as the vast awareness in which they arise is the key to true peace.
So if you feel, think, or experience anything, there’s no need to do ANYTHING with it.
Leave it alone, and it will leave you—like a leaf floating down a stream, passing without your effort.
You may wonder if you’ll stay stuck forever.
But that’s just another passing thought.
This isn’t about denial—it’s about allowing.
You don’t try to fix, suppress, avoid, or deny anything.
You just let it be.
And in letting it be, your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sensations are free to leave YOU.
There’s no need to get yourself out of an emotional funk.
It will pass on its own if you just leave it alone.
P.S.: If this resonates with you and you’d like to dive deeper into living from this perspective, feel free to explore my private coaching here.
If you prefer a self-paced journey, you can explore my programs here.
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