How many times have you waited until you felt ready before taking action?

Probably too many to count.

Readiness feels real, like something you have to reach.

But have you ever noticed that it never actually comes?

There’s always one more thing to fix, one more thing to figure out.

Readiness is a myth. 

A mind-made illusion that keeps you stuck. 

The moment you think you’re ready, the mind finds something else to fix.It’s a game you can’t win.

But what if waiting was never really happening?

What if the mind only tells the story of waiting—while life moves effortlessly, with or without it?

Because once you see that readiness is an illusion, you see that nothing was ever on hold.

Nothing was ever stuck.

There is no ‘before’ and ‘after.’ 

Just this. Just life, now.

Not moving. Not waiting. Just unfolding.

Look at nature—flowers don’t ‘get ready’ to bloom. 

Rivers don’t strategize before they flow. 

Everything in existence unfolds effortlessly, without delay.

And you are no different. 

That next step you’re doubting? 

That decision you keep postponing until your confidence magically appears?

It’s all just thought: spinning, analyzing, figuring out—and making you think that you’re stuck.

Movement happens, whether or not you think you’re waiting.

The best ideas, the clearest decisions—they never come from sitting there trying to figure them out.

They show up in the shower. On a walk. Or in the middle of doing something completely unrelated.

Not because you finally ‘got ready.’

But because life unfolds, with or without your interference.

Movement doesn’t come from thinking. 

It comes from being here, now. 

From allowing what wants to move through you to move.

No forcing. No pushing. No waiting for certainty.

Just flow, movement, and effortless unfolding.

So stop waiting to feel ready.

Stop waiting to be sure.

There is no readiness. There is no waiting. Life has been moving all along.

Pay attention to what’s here NOW. 

Take the step that’s in front of you NOW.

You’re not the one moving life forward. 

Life is moving you.






P.S.: If my words resonate, my work might too.

You’ll find ways to go deeper here.

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