This lights me up:


A door opening in me.

Suddenly, new life. Light.

An aliveness that was there before but not as clearly felt.


The door opens, wide.

Pure life energy flows through unhindered, effortless, free.


I follow where it takes me.

It leads me.

Lives me.

Breathes me.


I look in your eyes.

Before, the door to this was closed in you.

Completely or a little, but life did not flow freely.


Yet it was there.

Knocking. Asking you to let it in.


You felt it.


As urgency,

as emptiness,

as the sense of missing something that would make your life complete.


You didn’t know that it was here already,

behind a door made of stories and conditioning,

made of ideas about separation—

between you and others,

between you and life.


You didn’t know.


Then someone,




shows up before you with that same door, wide open.


You see life flow through me,


the ocean,

a sunset,

a bird,

the eyes of a loved one,

and …


The door in you opens, too.

Life trickles, or flows, and something lights up in you, as well—


Or so it seems.


All the while

It was Life,

remembering itself.







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