Happiness feels fleeting.

One moment, it’s there.

The next, it’s gone.

And the mind scrambles to get it back.

Most people believe happiness takes work.

Inner work, like changing your mindset, healing, or raising your vibration.

And outer work, like setting goals and achieving them.

Happiness seems like something to seek, find, or hold onto.

But no matter what you do, happiness never stays.

If you could hold onto it, everyone would already be eternally happy.

So where does it come from? 

And why does it disappear?

The truth is: it doesn’t.

Happiness, peace, and freedom aren’t something you create.

They’re what you are.

Your natural state.

But the mind doesn’t believe this.

It thinks you need to earn happiness. Find it. Do something for it.

You don’t.

The moment you stop seeking, analyzing, or chasing happiness—there it is.

Right here. Right now.

No effort. No process. No hoops to jump through.

Beneath the mind’s endless chatter, beneath everything you think you need to fix or solve, lies the happiness, freedom, and flow you seek.

They were never missing.

They were only hidden beneath the noise of the mind.

You don’t have to do anything to reach them.

You only have to notice they’re already here.




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