You’re always thinking about what to do next:

What’s your best next action? 

What’s your best decision?

Should you trust your intuition or take a rational approach? (And how can you tell the exact difference? It’s not always clear.)

Is this resistance a sign to stop or something to push through?

Don’t you feel like doing X because you don’t have to do it or because you’re procrastinating?

You’re not sure.

But you need to be!

Because your business is in your hands. 

Your life is in your hands. 

And all of it is your responsibility.

You can’t just ‘go with the flow’! (Even though you want to.)

But no, you can’t.

You need to take action, or nothing will happen.

If you let go of control you end up with things you don’t want.

If you don’t make decisions, who will?

And how can you trust that things will work out if you’re not micromanaging them?

These thoughts feel heavy with importance, often urgency.

If you don’t do your best to figure everything out, it will all go to shit!

So you keep thinking, analyzing, musing, reflecting. You can’t, you shouldn’t, mustn’t get it wrong.

The results will be disastrous!

Even though all this thinking wears you out …

Even though you wish you could exhale …

Even though you wish you could let go, and stop worrying about your next steps. 

But HOW do you let go? 

How do you stop trying to control what was never yours to control in the first place? 

HOW do you let all your actions arise effortlessly from … wherever the hell they come from?

HOW do you get into the flow of life?

You’re already in it.

Better yet: you were never out of it.

Even better:

The flow is who you are. 

Nothing exists outside of it. 

Flow is life is YOU—it’s interchangeable.

It only seems like there’s life and here’s you and you’re doing your best to navigate through it.

ALL of it is life.

ALL of it is flow.

ALL of it is you.

Not the person. 

The impersonal Being we all share our essence with, are an expression of.

Image what life could look like if this knowing was your default state?

No more overthinking.

No more analyzing.

No more figuring shit out.

Just this.

This moment.

This breath.

And what happens, arises, through you.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

Just this.

Just rest.

Just life—

untouched, unforced, unfolding exactly as it always did. 

Exactly as it always will.





P.S.: If this hits home, and you’re done trying to figure things out, Effortless Action for Women Entrepreneurs shows you exactly how life moves without you having to control it.

Or if you want personal support, my 1:1 coaching is here when it’s time. 

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