When you market, are you creating for the joy of it—or to get something out of it?

Like clients, likes, shares, sales …

Then, pressure arises.

What you create needs to be GOOD.
It needs to CONVERT.
It needs to DO something—or else …

(Yes, what else? What do you fear might go wrong?)

These attachments are what make marketing and business feel so hard.

What if you created just for the sake of creating and forgot about the results?

I know what you’re thinking:

  • But I need to market to get clients!
  • I need to DO something to get something!
  • I can’t just follow what feels good and expect my business to grow.

The truth is you don’t have to make anything happen.

Your clients are already here.

There’s nothing you need to do to get them on board—except stay true to yourself and express what naturally comes through you.

All you need to ‘do’ is be present and let out what arises. That’s it.

When you create for the joy of creating, and act without attachments, your clients will come.

No chasing.

No converting.

No posting all the time or following some magic marketing recipe.

When you’re present and aware of what arises in each moment, marketing becomes effortless.

That’s truly all it takes.

If you want to learn how to let your marketing arise naturally from presence (and see your whole life and business brighten as a result, too!), my program Easy, Stress-Free Marketing is for you.

No gimmicks.
No tools.
No soul-sucking strategies.

Just you, presence, and whatever arises naturally in the moment.

You can read all about and get started here. 



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