There are generally two ways to get what you want and need: the traditional approach and the spiritual approach.

The traditional approach focuses on setting goals, making plans, and taking consistent action to achieve them.

If you want to reach higher, you need to do more, delegate more, automate more—essentially, push harder and work smarter.

The spiritual approach takes a different route.

Instead of focusing on action, you focus on alignment. You visualize your dreams, align your energy with them, and use tools and techniques to keep your vibration high.

The idea is that when your energy is aligned, you will attract exactly what you want.

Both approaches rely on the mind—and that’s where they fall short.

They still leave you wondering:

Am I doing enough? Am I doing the right things?

Should I try harder—or in a completely different way?

I’ve tried both.

I went from the traditional approach to the spiritual approach.

The traditional approach didn’t last long for me.

It was SO contrary to EVERYTHING that naturally suits me, that it quickly depleted and depressed me.

Plus, my results were shit, too.

The spiritual approach lasted MUCH longer.

During those years I found ways that worked great for me, and I taught them to my clients, too.

I can’t even begin to count how many tools, techniques, and interventions I’ve learned to break through obstacles, manifest with more ease, and find inner peace. 

They were helpful—until they weren’t.

No matter how deeply I committed myself to yet another practice, I STILL:

🚧 Felt like some desires were forever out of reach while also feeling super close. It drove me crazy!

🚧 Wondered if something was wrong with me because I couldn’t get closer to certain goals.

🚧 Felt I should be doing more, doing better, or finding another way to finally get what I wanted.

🚧 Constantly analyzed: What was still blocking me? How could I fix it?

I kept searching for new tools, new techniques, new secrets to manifesting even better, faster, and more magically.

Until one day, I hit a wall I couldn’t go over, around, or through—and finally realized the answer wasn’t in everything I was already doing.

The solution was closer and simpler than I’d ever imagined:

I stopped living from the mind (like 99.99% of people do) and shifted to living from a state of awareness.

If I had to name it, I’d call it “the natural approach.”

But I won’t name it, because that’s missing the whole point of this shift.

It’s not an approach. It’s a state of being. It’s your natural state of being—your true nature.

Your true nature isn’t that you’re a separate person making your way through the world.

You are the space in which experiences arise and fall away.

When you live from this state of being, everything changes:

⭐️ You don’t try to get anything done. Actions arise naturally from inner stillness.

⭐️ You no longer live in your head, worrying about the past or future. You are fully present.

⭐️ Thoughts lose their grip. You let them come and go without attaching to them.

⭐️ You don’t see problems to fix—just experiences to allow, trusting that answers will appear if needed.

You still DO things, but they come from a different source.

Instead of acting from fear, scarcity, or conditioned behaviors, you act from the freshness of the moment and the deepest depths of wisdom.

This shift is so simple that it almost feels like a paradox.

There’s nothing you need to DO—it’s a return to what you already ARE.

If you’ve hit a wall in your manifesting practices, have goals that feel out of reach, or sense there’s more freedom, flow, and ease available to you—but you don’t know how to access it—then you’re ready to make this shift, too.

And if you’re ready, I can help.

Check out my private coaching and apply for a chat with me to see if this is the perfect fit for you. 



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