It was a gorgeous, sunny autumn day, so we spent the afternoon on the boat with friends. It was so nice!

Here’s the thing though: I have a million things to do right now.

The doors to my brand-new program open on Monday, and there’s still a lot to do.

A couple of years ago, one of two things would have happened:

  1. I’d have skipped the boat trip because I’d feel guilty about not working, or
  2. I’d have gone and spent the entire trip feeling anxious, thinking about all the things I “should” be doing instead.

Not anymore.

Over the years, I’ve learned how to live in the moment, be present with what’s here, and trust that when I follow what feels right, everything gets done effortlessly.

I don’t make a distinction between “work” time and “free” time anymore. I simply follow what feels right in each moment—and everything flows and unfolds with ease.

This is a big thing I work on with my clients, too.

They often feel guilty about taking time off, especially on a “work” day.

When they watch a movie or go for a walk, they’re not fully present because their minds are busy thinking about the endless to-do list.

But here’s the truth: there’s always something more to do. That pressure can drain you if you let it.

The good news?

It’s entirely possible to release all that pressure and still get everything done.

Effortlessness and flow are your natural state—that’s how life is meant to be. And yes, that’s how business can be too.

This might sound unbelievable, but it’s 100% true. In my new program, Effortless Action for Women Entrepreneurs, I’ll show you how to let things unfold with ease in your business and life.

The doors open on Monday. Join me if you want to experience effortless action, no matter how long your to-do list is or how busy your schedule gets!



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