Many years ago, I delivered a workshop called ‘How to Make the Best of the Rest of the Year.’

I ran it around August or September, and the idea was simple:

The final quarter of the year was approaching. So you had 90 days left to focus on the goals you set for the year and make them happen.

In that workshop, I shared tips and inspiration to help people reach their goals with the least amount of stress.

Back then, I believed in that workshop.

I still set goals myself, and this was the time of year I’d revisit them and see what needed to change to achieve (or surpass) them.

So I decided to kill two birds with one stone: I worked on making the most of the 4th quarter for myself, and inspired others to do the same.

It was a good workshop.

The tips I shared were solid, and people would still find them valuable today.


I’ll never deliver something like this again.

Here’s why:

#1 I stopped setting goals in 2016 because it didn’t work for me.

#2 I no longer believe I can control my outcomes.

#3 I stopped living from the mind, where you either rehash the past or imagine the future instead of actually experience the present.

Instead, I live from a state of awareness.

I am present to what IS in each moment, and I know I don’t have to figure anything out.

Ideas and actions come up naturally, and I follow them in the moment.

There’s no need to overthink or force anything.

Not only do I no longer believe I can control my outcomes, I’m no longer attached to them either.

This shift changed everything.

I know I don’t live life—life lives me. Actions happen through me, and outcomes, whatever they may be, simply unfold.

Living this way made my life infinitely more enjoyable and free.

It made running my business easier, too.

And all my actions are effortless.

No more pushing, forcing, overthinking, overworking, or overwhelm.

No more scrambling or hustling to meet goals or realize dreams.

No more end-of-year panic and stress leading to working harder.

No more striving and feeling like I always need to be doing something.

That doesn’t mean I never plan.

I schedule calls with my clients and show up. I set dates for online programs and deliver them.

Just yesterday, I picked dates for my next online program, starting in November.

But I always, ALWAYS prioritize the present moment over the plan.

Because life is right here, right now. Life is always and ONLY right here, right now.

If you want all your actions to be effortless (and they can be, because that’s truly how life works, even in business!), start by being present.

Tune into this moment, listen to what wants to come through you now.

Honor that, even if your plans say otherwise.

And keep an eye out for my upcoming program, Effortless Action for Women Entrepreneurs, that’s all about doing business the easy way.

The doors open on October 21 if everything unfolds as planned. 🙂



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