You exist simply to BE

Our Western culture believes that life should have a purpose beyond simply being alive. You should aim for a career, find and fulfill your life purpose, or achieve success …

But what if you don’t?

What if, like flowers, mountains, and grass, you simply ARE?

And simply BEING is enough?

Striving, aiming, thinking in terms of success or failure … it’s exhausting.

And not only that:

It’s a lie.

There’s nothing you have to do to prove your worth or earn your right to exist.

There’s no one you need to become.

You already ARE.

You, like everything and everyone else, are an expression of Oneness, of Life.

There’s nothing you can add to or subtract from that.

You exist simply to be.

You exist.

You ARE.

Embrace this truth and let life unfold effortlessly for you.



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