If you’ve been following me, you know how a shift in consciousness can lead to profound relaxation, inner freedom, and peace.

Thank goodness for that, because recently, I experienced two things that normally would have FREAKED ME OUT:

First, my website was moved to a new server … and ALLLLL my old emails were GONE:

Client emails. Invoices and important documents. Emails I might need in the future. All gone.

Not gonna lie, I had a mini freak-out moment.

BUT it lasted about 2 minutes tops.

And then I thought:

Ah well. I’ll either get them back or I won’t.

It’ll be fine either way.

I emailed my assistant and forgot about the whole thing. Two days later, I opened my email and saw that ALL emails were restored.

That was great, AND I would have been fine if I’d never gotten them back.

Fast forward to Saturday, August 17.

I was watching a movie on my laptop when, out of nowhere, the movie halted, and the screen turned black.

This was not good…

But I didn’t worry. I didn’t even have a mini freak out like I had a couple of weeks before.

I finished watching the movie on my phone because I wanted to know how it ended.

And I knew the laptop issue would be sorted one way or another somehow—but not on a Saturday evening.

This is NOT how I would have reacted a while back.

I used to be super anxious when it came to my laptop. After all, I have an online business, so my work AND my income depend on it.

Every time there seemed to be even the slightest issue with my laptop, I panicked. BIG time.

It triggered fears about missing out on opportunities, clients, and income. Plus, the idea of having to replace or repair my laptop triggered financial stress.

Nothing got triggered this time.

I trusted all was well, even though I wasn’t sure how yet.

And of course, it all worked out smoothly. (Long story short: repairing the laptop would be more expensive than buying a new one, so I did that. I restored the backup that’s automatically made daily, and on Tuesday night, my new laptop was up and running.)

So why didn’t I panic this time? What’s changed?

What’s changed is that I’ve made a simple shift in consciousness.

By shifting from living from the mind (the source of ALL panic and stress) to living from a state of awareness (your true nature and source of inner calm and peace), fears and doubts melt away, allowing you to stay present to what IS instead of freaking out over what might be.

You can make a similar shift.

The first step is to stop resisting what already IS and to accept whatever is happening in your experience.

This doesn’t mean you have to like it. It simply means that you acknowledge what is already going on instead of fighting it. You let be what already IS.

This instantly releases (some of the) tension, freeing up space for clarity and calm. In that space, solutions and the next best steps can come up AND you are free to act on them.

You don’t have to wait for your next freak-out moment to practice accepting your current reality.

You can start right now.

👉 What is it you would like to change in your business or life?

👉 What are you fed up with?

Stop resisting it. Acknowledge that in THIS moment, it’s part of your reality.

(It already is, so fighting that is completely pointless.)

Paradoxically, the more you accept what IS, the quicker and smoother it can change…

The key to staying calm is accepting what is, letting go of resistance, and trusting that you’ll handle whatever comes your way—just as you always have.

To inner freedom and calm, always,



P.S.: If you yearn for more inner freedom, ease, calm and flow, I can help.

Check out my 1-1 coaching here.


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