It’s been years since I last set yearly goals and mapped out a plan.

Each year, around this time, I’d check in with those goals to see if I was on track.

I never was … and it made me feel like a loser, a bad entrepreneur, or someone who lacked discipline and tenacity.

I’d adjust my goals and plans, but still couldn’t stick to them.

By November, I’d start thinking about new goals for the new year, convinced that next year would be different. I’d finally find the key to surpassing my goals!


I never did … and the frustration only grew.

Then I decided to stop setting goals and making plans altogether. I finally realized there was nothing wrong with me—I wasn’t lacking anything.

I was simply following a way of working that didn’t work for me.

I function best when I follow what each moment calls for, let my intuition guide me, and prioritize the moment over the plan.

Over the years, I’ve learned that the more I lean into my inner guidance, the more effortlessly life and business unfold.

It’s what I teach my clients, too. When they start acting on their inner knowing, they experience the same sense of liberation and flow that I did.

The only obstacle to this approach is your mental chatter: that persistent voice in your head telling you what you should do, warning you that you’ll miss out if you don’t follow conventional wisdom.

If you’re looking for ease and flow in business and life (and YES, it’s possible to experience this regardless of your circumstances), two things are essential:

1️⃣ Act on what your inner guidance tells you.

2️⃣ Stop letting the endless chatter of the mind—driven by doubts, fears, and outdated conditioning—run the show.

By making a simple shift in consciousness and living from a state of awareness instead of from the mind, you’ll discover a new way of living and doing business.

A way that allows for flow and ease.

You can set goals and make plans if that benefits you, but if not, you can easily drop them without missing out on anything.

This is within your reach, too.

Start by getting quiet and letting the answers to these questions bubble up from within:

👉Are the ways you’re doing business truly serving you? Do they light you up, bring you joy, and feel natural?

👉Or do you find yourself forcing things, like I did with setting goals and making plans?

Be honest, and have the courage to drop what doesn’t fit you like a glove.

New ways that are a perfect match for you will come up naturally at the right time.

(And I can help with that if you need support.)



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