On July 1, it was 21 years ago that I started my business. And I’ve made SO many changes since then! Too many to list. Some changes were HUGE. Millions of them were small.

I’ve created TONS of online programs and content and threw it all awayagain the moment my older work no longer aligned with me.

And many more creations and changes are yet to come, I’m sure.

If I could go back in time to give just-starting-super-nervous-me 5 pieces of advice, it would be this:

#1 Don’t sweat the colors or copy of your first (or twentieth) website. You’ll continue to make changes so just work with what you know now. Don’t overthink it.

#2 If you learn something about doing business that doesn’t resonate with you, ignore it. It’s not for you. Do your own thing.

#3 Be true to what you know is right for YOU, even when your coach and everyone around you tell you different.

#4 Don’t be ashamed of who you are. Yes, you’re a coach who is a hermit who needs a lot of alone time and who only wants to make 4 appointments per week maximum. So what? That’s what most suits you, so be true to that. (And yes, you can still grow your business that way.)

#5 Don’t compromise on what you need, believe, and desire. There is ALWAYS a way to do business YOUR way.

Some of this advice may resonate with you, too.

If not, ignore it. It’s not for you. 😉



PS: If you’re an introverted entrepreneur looking for more ways to thrive on your terms, check out my book, The Happy Hermit – How to Thrive as an Introvert Entrepreneur.

This book is your guide to finding joy and success as an introverted entrepreneur.

While I now emphasize the effortless joy of being present, this book offers practical steps to embrace your true nature and thrive on your terms. 

Learn more about The Happy Hermit here

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