Over the years, my journey has taken many turns, and so has my message.

While the essence of what I help people achieve—creating a business and life you adore—remains unchanged, the way to get there / create that has evolved significantly.

Initially, my focus was on inner work, intuition, and mindset. Today, I teach a simple shift in consciousness that no longer requires mindset work or changing your beliefs. This shift lets everything in your business and life unfold effortlessly and stress-free.

Despite this change, my books still hold immense value. They offer practical steps and insights that can complement and enhance your journey.

However, I struggled to find the right words to convey my evolution.

I didn’t know how to talk about my new approach while still honoring the value of my books. The old way of achieving things is different from the new one, and I wanted to acknowledge that both have value at different stages of your evolution.

After multiple rewrites, I finally feel that the right words have landed to convey this evolution.

I know I’m not the only one going through changes in my business. You might be experiencing a similar shift, too.

I see this in my clients often—they struggle to find the right words to talk about their pivot and how it changes their business and work.

If you’re experiencing this now, here’s what I’ve learned from my personal journey:

The right words will come at the right time.

Often, the transformations you go through need to settle within you first. Once you’ve embodied them, better-fitting words will naturally come up.

Until you find the ‘right’ words, just use the ones you have now, ‘perfect’ or not.

If you’re afraid this will cost you clients or opportunities, know that:

  1. This may not happen.
  2. If it does, it’s a good thing.

The words you use aren’t nearly as important as your energy and presence.

Even when words fall short, people (unconsciously) read the underlying message you couldn’t put into words. They sense it and either resonate with it or not.

The ones who resonate will stay, and the ones who don’t will fall away. And that’s good. This means the clients and opportunities that are right for you now will stay.

You will always grow, change, and evolve.

You’ll continue to change your website copy, your offers, and perhaps even your audience. (Or change course in your business completely.) I’ve made all these changes and more, and it always worked out well—even when at first, I wasn’t always sure it would, or my business seemed to temporarily stand still.

When you follow what feels right in each moment and stay true to your inner guidance, your business and life automatically align with your true nature and what you’re born to do.

Everything always works out, and you don’t have to know how.

Oh, and if you’re curious to see the words I found* (that feel right for right now—you never know when they might change again 😉), check out my Books Page. 

To effortless clarity and joy in your journey,



*Or, more accurately: the words that found me.

You really don’t have to search for them.

(Or for any answers, solutions and inspiration. These all come to you in the right time. Just be present and aware, and watch life unfold.)

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