I know financial stress. I’ve lost sleep over it, struggled to pay rent, and even gone into debt just to get by.

I know how money stress can take over your life and drain the joy out of everything.

I’ve also seen that many of my clients have financial worries too.

Some don’t make enough money, some don’t know how to break through an income ceiling, some are scared to raise their prices or fear losing the money they have.

Most people think the solution to money stress is … more money.

They believe that having more in the bank and a nice buffer will eliminate their stress.

But it won’t.

Sure, it feels like relief—until the doubts creep back in.

You start to worry if your buffer is big enough, if your income will dry up, or if inflation will get worse and your money won’t stretch as far as you thought.

How you feel about money has nothing to do with how much you have.

This may seem unbelievable, but hear me out.

I’ve seen this in myself and my clients for 23 years: more money only ever brings temporary relief.

But when the real cause of financial stress isn’t addressed, worries WILL come back sooner or later.

So, what’s the real cause?

The stories you believe about money—what it means, what it says about you, what you think you need to earn security.

These beliefs limit your options and opportunities.

Here are some common ones:

  • That you have to ‘earn’ money instead of allowing it to flow.
  • The belief that money is scarce.
  • The belief that there’s a limit to the amount of money you can make, keep, or handle.

Your work isn’t your source of money—life is.

Money isn’t separate from you.

Money is just another expression of Life—like you are.

It is abundant, always available, and flows naturally when you align with this truth.

You don’t need to know all your limiting beliefs about money to dismantle them.

And you don’t need more money to release your financial stress.

Money is a simple, functional part of life, not a source of identity, security or worth.

When you recognize your true nature, money stress dissolves along with the illusion of lack.

You feel safe and secure, regardless of how much money is in your bank account.

When you shift from living from the mind to living from a state of awareness, you tap into that feeling of safety and security more and more.

The less you need money for security, the more easily it flows to you.

This is the shift in consciousness you can make in private coaching.

Read all about & apply for a spot here.



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