How others experienced working with me

“The Break Free Workshop gave me a missing piece in my search for the light, gentle path to truly live.

Before, I always felt I needed to do something about the negative thoughts and emotions I noticed in myself.

You made me realize there’s no need to fix them at all.


I can feel the shift in my body—more peace, and… a deep sense of relief.”


Carin Hobbelman, carinhobbelman . nl

“I was in the self-development space for some time and visited personal workshops or online webinars with great teachers over the past decade.

But something was missing. I was consuming the information, but didn’t apply it to all aspects of my life. Business building, love life, friendships, … and that’s when the need for real 1:1 work appeared.

Brigitte was my first choice, and I never regretted the investment!”


“Brigitte is more than a coach. She truly listens. She walks with you on the path that you are scared to walk on your own.

She is there when you need it the most and she brings light when you are at your darkest moments and have the most doubts. She doesn’t walk the difficult part for you, you need to do it on your own. But you know you have a partner, a friend who gets you, on your side.

She knows her stuff and in working with her you feel deeply supported and seen.”

Vladimíra Neuschlová, Leadership and Businesses Coach,

I’m going through the modules of Easy Breezy Business for the second time and WOW!

It’s like I hear everything for the first time. The insights I get into how I still limit myself and letting go of that

It’s amazing”

Petra Jungblut, petrajungblut . com

“I have come such a long way since doing your course Easy Breezy Business!

I now get very gentle nudges that show me what to do next. I know when to take an action.

And if I don’t take an action, I am totally fine too.

An energy of big inner joy has come up for my mission.

I am so happy about that because I’ve worked for this for so long. Finally I am actually talking about my mission to live life from Love, Truth and Presence.

I am so grateful I have found you.”

Carolina Cummins,

“Since Easy Breezy Business, I’m working less and have more time for myself.

I said ‘no’ to clients, said ‘no’ to new projects, and changed the days I want to have appointments with clients.

My life is so much more fun!

I really enjoy the things I do.”

Edith Helwegen, edithhelwegen . nl

Knowing Brigitte, I began the Easy Breezy Business program with great anticipation, and she has outdone herself!

It was so joyful to participate in the sessions. It was one big relaxing and magical gathering.

The content is completely different from anything you have ever learned in your life.

It’s indescribable how you feel as a result: the joy, happiness, calmness, and knowing that everything is possible.

All without stressing, hard work or exerting yourself!

Problems and pain I’ve struggled with all my life, despite trying everything imaginable to get rid of them, are starting to fall away.

Easy Breezy Business really changes absolutely everything.

The joyful effect of it in your life is indescribable.

That’s Brigitte’s gift: she can deeply touch who you already are.

I look forward to continuing this wonderful journey in Beyond Boundaries, the Q&A Membership exclusively for Brigitte’s clients!

Marieke Kamerbeek, mariekekamerbeek . com

“Brigitte is a special human being. She has a natural and profound wisdom that is truly inspiring and has made an impact on me.

She gave me a new and fresh perspective on how to approach situations and challenges that are part of my daily life as well as my professional path.

Her advice feels very liberating and empowering.

Another great thing about her is her personality: a combination of both depth and an awesome sense of humor.

I highly recommend Brigitte as she will help anyone break with limiting beliefs and enter a state of freedom, creativity, and flow.”

Victoria Pericot

“It felt scary to invest so much in myself at first, but it was immediately worth it. Brigitte helped me lift my business to a whole new level.”

“I hired Brigitte to help me grow my business faster and with more ease. It felt scary to invest so much in myself at first, but it was worth it immediately. Our first session gave me so many insights to uplevel my business instantly!

I grew so much, too, without struggle, by becoming more and more true to myself.

I have the courage to ask higher prices that feel right for me. I gained so much self-confidence. Brigitte helped me lift my business to a whole new level.

Working with her is uplifting. I felt like she had my back the entire time we worked together. I could ask her anything and she was always there for me.

If you feel that it’s right for you to work with her I only have one thing to say to you: Go for it!”

Simone Brockhuis, feelyourmind . nl

“I feel space and clarity again!”

“I came to Brigitte because I felt stuck in some areas in my business and life.

Her VIP 1-1 Breakthrough Package triggered my curiosity, and because I followed her already and read some of her books, I immediately felt she was the right person to help me out.

I was a little nervous before the session started because I knew it was going to go deep and would probably shake things up.

But my concerns were totally unnecessary. Brigitte made me feel completely at ease. It was very safe to open up and I love her down to earth approach. She is sharp, pure, professional and has a great sense of humor.

I feel space and clarity again and already within days after our call I made some good and heartfelt changes in my business and in myself. I would definitely recommend her to other entrepreneurs who feel stuck somehow, because she has the gift to see your core essence, and to help you see and feel this as well.

Thank you Brigitte!”

Carro Lenselink, carro . nl

Everything is different now!”

“What I’ve transformed and achieved in just 3 short weeks of working with Brigitte is amazing!

I’ve let go of a survival pattern that impacted me for most of my life. I never expected this pattern to show up—and I certainly didn’t expect to be able to release it! I tried to get rid of it before, but never succeeded. And now it’s gone!

My true dream became clear, which was quite a surprise, and I’m taking steps towards it already.

The coaching been lifechanging for me. Everything is different, and I’m deeply grateful.

I can’t describe how gifted Brigitte is. Her intuition is laser-sharp, and she knows exactly what you need to create deep and lasting transformation. Working with Brigitte is magical and sublime!”

Marieke Kamerbeek, mariekekamerbeek . com

“The 1-1 coaching is deeply transformational and life-changing, and worth every cent of my investment – and more! it’s truly priceless!”

“My business didn’t thrive, and the work I was doing didn’t make me happy.

And I wasn’t very happy in general, really – I often felt empty or bored.

I’d been trying to break through that, even with the help of other coaches, for about 8 years.

But nothing worked.

Until I started to work with Brigitte.

My life changed completely in the first 6 months of our coaching:

I found inner peace; I love my work more; I rarely feel bored; I now love life and myself; and my inner critic is so much quieter.

I have more energy, more free time, and I am happier overall.

Everything is so much better now.

And it only gets better and better!

It’s truly wonderful to work with Brigitte. She’s loving, wise, honest, and completely tuned in to my truth and my soul.

She sees my full potential and brilliance, and helps me expand into that all the time.

The coaching is deeply transformational and life-changing, and worth every cent of my investment – and more!
It’s truly priceless.

Thank you, Brigitte!!

Petra Jungblut,

“I quit my career coaching business and made a big step in bringing my spiritual work into the world.”

“Working with Brigitte helped me expand. I’ve grown. Experience more space. So much has shifted in me. I feel different, and you can see a difference on the outside as well:

I quit my career coaching business and made a big step in bringing my spiritual work into the world.

But above all, I learned to listen to my soul, said YES to her, and follow the flow of life with so much more faith.

Thank you so much, Brigitte, for your wonderful support; great questions; reminding me of my desires; helping me see my patterns; showing me options; making & keeping things simple; and getting to the core and the essence of everything.”

Hanneke van Stigt Thans,

“I am living a completely different life now.”

Brigitte has more spiritual charisma than any other coach I have ever encountered. 

While being very loving and kind, Brigitte cuts straight through any BS, blocks, and excuses. She is amazingly intuitive.

I am living a completely different life now. And it keeps growing and evolving. Brigitte has helped me step into a new reality of magnificent and endless possibility, love and beauty.

Lyerka Miller

Some call Brigitte the best coach  of The Netherlands

“I have my own business for several years now, and my business was settled and doing well.

But I noticed a feeling of restlessness. I wanted to reach more people and grow, but something was stopping me. And I couldn’t figure out what it was. That’s why I decided to work 1-1 with Brigitte. I heard a lot of good things about her. Some even call her the best coach of The Netherlands! That sounded so good that I decided to take the leap to hire her. And I’m happy I did! Brigitte and I clarified how I can structure my business so I can serve more people in a way that fits me. We also uncovered what was stopping me. The reason was very surprising, and I learned how to deal with it so it’s not holding me back anymore. I recently launched my new program, and that went much better than I expected! A lot of people signed up, which is fantastic!

I’m curious to see what will happen next.

But whatever happens, I will always remember what Brigitte taught me about manifesting your desires in real and practical ways.

That’s a skill that will serve me for the rest of my life.

Thank you, Brigitte!!”

Marloes Bouwmeester,

“The gift of presence is rare, and Brigitte has the gift.”

When Brigitte invited me to be a podcast guest, I was not expecting to have the kind of experience that I did. I’ve been interviewed so many times and so many of them give off the vibe that they’re just getting through it. They’ve got their laundry list of questions, you’re just the next person they interview.

This was NOT the feeling I felt with Brigitte. It was more like an energetic recalibration than an interview. I felt seen, heard and acknowledged and left our time together on cloud 9.

The gift of presence is rare, and Brigitte has the gift.

Erika Lyremark

“She’s brilliant, intuitive, straight-forward, incredibly supportive and detailed”

When my program attracted hundreds of new clients, I was forced to bring on another coach to help…I prayed to find a coach masterful enough for me to trust with my tribe. Then I thought of Brigitte…and she said YES! (Thank God!)

My people had HUGE breakthroughs with her guidance. The best miracle was that they loved her as much as me! (Maybe even more.) She’s brilliant, intuitive, straight-forward, incredibly supportive and detailed. It was the best decision I ever made!

Jeanna Gabellini –

“I’ve created my new business model aligned with who I am”

“What I love about working with Brigitte, is the space she creates for you. You can be 100% yourself and if you feel lost or stuck, she asks the right questions to get you on track again. With Brigitte, I’ve created my new business model, completely in line with who I am today as a woman, mother, wife and leader. I cannot thank you enough!”

Monica Job, moishajob . com

“I doubled my income within a month!”

“I decided to work with Brigitte 1-1 because I felt ready to step up my game, and grow my business to the next level.

And I deeply felt that she was the perfect coach to help me with that.

I got great results from the coaching very quickly after we started working together.

I doubled my income within a month.

And I gained so much confidence that I really can get where I want to be as a result of being fully aligned with who I am and what I want.

Another thing I deeply appreciate is that I can email her as often as I want in between our coaching calls.

Every time I send her an email she makes me feel like I’m the only client she has. 

I always feel treated like a VIP.

I learned so much and got such great value from working with her for the first time, that it was a no-brainer to continue our coaching.

I know there’s still so much I can learn from her, and I don’t want to miss that.

I’m so happy to continue to work with her!”

Maartje Koper, Money Mindset & Law of Attraction coach, and


I worked with Brigitte in 2012 with great success, so when I looked for a business coach this year I came back to her. I explored some other options, too, but no one can do what she does: she can support you in deep emotional processes and shifts; is there for you every step of the way and always challenges you to be even more true to yourself and do business in your own way. She’s sensitive, funny, resolute, intelligent, honest, brave, real, and walks her talk.

Brigitte is my go-to coach, no doubt about it!

Carolien Oosterhoff
Heartpepper . nl / tantra-therapie

“I turned my Dutch business into a global business much quicker than I thought.”

“When I quit my job to become a full time entrepreneur, I quickly realized it would take me forever to get my business off the ground if I didn’t get help.

Sure, I learned a lot about marketing & business in several different programs before, but I wanted to implement that in my own way, and build a business that’s 100% aligned with ME.

That, plus having the desire to work globally instead of in the Netherlands only (something Brigitte already successfully accomplished) is why I chose to work with her 1-1.

Working with Brigitte helped me in so many different ways:

  • I fully embraced my calling as a spiritual teacher (without Brigitte, I’m sure it would have taken me YEARS to do that);
  • I turned my Dutch business into a global business much quicker than I thought;
  • I stopped keeping myself busy from 9-5 and started working from inspiration & joy instead;
  • I made myself MUCH more visible; and
  • Learned what it really means to do business in a way that’s completely aligned with who I truly am, my purpose, and what I most love to do.
    (And learned to stop doing everything else.)

I took a lot of big steps, much faster than I thought I would.

I feel so much more free, and enjoy running my business again!

Brigitte has a real & rare talent to get to the core of your issues super fast.

She just KNOWS what’s important to focus on and bring to light – including things that are hidden deep under the surface, and you’re not even consciously aware of yourself yet.

If you’re looking for cookie-cutter steps & advice to grow your business: go find another business coach.

But if you’re looking for an exceptional coach who helps you grow your soul-based business, in 100% alignment with your calling, personality, and your own way of doing things: go to Brigitte! “

Karin Bosveld, Spiritual teacher & life coach, author,

Working with Brigitte helped me reconnect to everything that really matters to me

Somehow I lost touch with my drive and my passion. I was struggling and unhappy, despite working on all kinds of projects that contribute to a more sustainable world. Other marketing and business coaches told me to focus on my client’s problems instead of focusing on making a positive difference in the world. When I look back, I see how I slowly started losing my flow many years ago, when I first learned about marketing. That was very important and taught me a lot of good things. But it also put me in a serious business-mode, which made me over think every single thing I did. I lost the connection with my vision, drive, passion, fun and myself.

Working with Brigitte helped me reconnect to everything that really matters to me. I feel inspired and in the flow again. I learned how to fulfill my mission in business in MY own way, the Else-way. I’m more relaxed, and I’m actually doing the things I’ve been dreaming of for so long. New opportunities are coming my way. I’m doing what I love again, and learned to set priorities based on what’s good for me AND has the biggest impact. Working on my business puts a smile on my face and inspires me now. It makes me happy instead of feeling stressed out.

Brigitte has been a great coach and role model for me. She’s deeply driven to make a difference, but never at her own expense. She models how to take care of clients AND herself like no one I know. Brigitte is 100% committed to helping you be the best you can be, on your own terms, in a way that’s best for you.
If you are truly committed to make changes in your business, you should go to Brigitte too. It makes a world of difference in your business and life.

Else Boutkan,

That feeling of fulfillment is priceless

Before I worked with Brigitte I was stuck. I thought I knew exactly where I was headed and even put the strategy in place, but it wasn’t working somehow. Being stuck sucks.

I have worked with Brigitte several times and so much has happened every time.

I transformed my business from a Dutch practice into a global business, reached 1000’s of new ideal clients and took huge steps that no one ever took before me. I can finally see myself as a world-class business owner. The feeling of fulfillment this gives, is priceless and I am grateful that I had Brigitte to support me, guide me and empower me to follow through on my dream.

I am not coachable by every one, often times not even by a very good coach. I’m a person who needs an awesome coach who keeps me on my track and who is sharp enough to sense when I am derailing or not true to myself. Brigitte is not just a coach, she is not even just a very good coach… She is an awesome coach who has the unparalleled quality of creating breakthrough after breakthrough.

I don’t know any other coach who can do that so fast and hitting the mark every single time.

Should you want to manifest the business of your dreams and still have doubts to invest in yourself to be coached by Brigitte, than that is exactly THE reason to work with her rather sooner than later. Be ready to surprise yourself!

Lianne Ebbinkhuijsen, Mentor to experts that wish to build an inspired big business,

I’m much more visible, I’m doing what I love, and experience freedom in my business and life – and I learned to take steps despite my fears!

“My business was doing well, but I often wondered: how happy am I with my success, the way I work, and how I grow my business?
I was looking for someone to help me throw out all rules and conventions, so I could find my OWNway of doing business.

Someone to help me overcome my doubts and limiting beliefs around doing business on my terms.

I didn’t want to compare myself to others anymore, but focus on what I wanted instead. Without compromising.
I also wanted to be more creative and visible, and to experience freedom in my business and my life.

Working with Brigitte helped me see what held me back. She showed me how to use my intuition and creativity more. I’ve learned to take steps despite my fears.

She helped me find my own path, and how to follow it.

I now trust my intuition completely. I’ve stopped doing what I no longer want and what no longer fits me. I’ve become more visible. I am very clear on what I want and how I want to work.

As a result I work with much more ease, I’m doing what I love, and I have accomplished my dream of experiencing freedom in my business and life.

I think bigger and see more options and opportunities. I’m now attracting clients who want to experience this too. And my business is still doing very well.

I know and feel I can keep on growing with everything I’ve learned. The journey has just begun….”

Nicole Offenberg, coaching and training,

I make an even bigger difference for my clients, and bring more change to the world. And I’m happier, more fulfilled and vibrant than I’ve been in a long, long time.

“My business was successful, and I always had plenty of clients. But I was working too hard. There was no time for reflection and rest. There was no time for me. I lost touch with myself, and the things that made me happy.I didn’t know what my unique mission and gift was.

And I really missed that.

Working with Brigitte changed all that. She helped me reconnect with myself, and my authentic power and mission.

I learned to make powerful decisions, to let go of what no longer serves me, and to stop feeling responsible for everyone and everything around me.

I found my balance and flow, and as a result I’m able to deliver much more impact and value for my clients.

Focusing on myself, my uniqueness and what I need to be happy made a huge difference in my business and my life. I now make an even bigger difference for my own clients, and bring more change to the world.

Brigitte’s coaching made all the difference for me. She’s an incredibly powerful and intuitive coach. She gets to the core very fast, and knows exactly what you need to move forward and create lasting change.

My business is still very successful. And I am happier, more fulfilled and vibrant than I’ve been in a long, long time.”

Anne-Else Højberg, The Big Mission Coach,

I learned to consciously use my intuition, and never doubt if I’m on the right track anymore!

My business was doing well, but I still felt something was holding me back.
I had some limiting beliefs around sales and charging good prices. I felt I could grow my business faster and with less resistance if these beliefs were transformed.These limiting beliefs changed soon after I started working with Brigitte. I immediately felt much more relaxed in my marketing and sales.But best of all, she taught me how to work with my intuition and co-create with the universe in very practical ways. My intuition is much stronger now, and I’m able to consciously use it in my business.As a result I experience more flow and am much more focused. I’m no longer scattering my attention and energy, and I’m proactively growing my business.I use my intuition for everything in my business now, and it helps me make much better choices and strategical decisions. It helps me decide which programs to invest in (or not); how to launch my products & book, and which activities to focus on first.Brigitte helped me understand and work with my intuition, and opened up a new world of possibilities for me. I learned to develop my own magic, and never doubt if I’m on the right track anymore.

Ellen de Lange – Ros, helps entrepreneurs grow their business by truly seeing their clients & effectively using social media,

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