inspiration to find limitless ease, freedom and flow
If you suffer from never-enoughness
If you feel you lack something, anything, from energy to time to money to happiness …. this post is for you.
How I no longer feel pressured to be more productive
Sometimes feel like you should do more, always feeling like you’re behind and don’t have enough time to get everything done? Here’s how to release that pressure and always feel at ease, no matter how much is on your plate.
Yes, business can be effortless. Here’s why that’s true for you, too.
Many people don’t believe it’s possible that all your actions can be effortless. Here’s why they CAN be. (Yes, for YOU, too!)
How to enjoy life while still getting everything done effortlessly
It’s absolutely possible to do business stress-and guilt free, and enjoy each moment as it is without worrying about your to-do list. Here’s how.
Can business TRULY be easy and effortless?
Yes, it can truly be easy and effortless. That’s the way things naturally are. (Even though it often doesn’t feel that way.)
Why I will NEVER deliver a workshop like this EVER again
I used to believe in setting goals and hustling to achieve them, but everything changed when I stopped living from the mind and started living from awareness. Now, I embrace effortless action, allowing life to unfold naturally—without the stress, overthinking, or striving that used to hold me back.
Simply being is enough …
Take a breath and relax. You are already whole.
How to overcome what’s quietly in your way
You’re not always aware of what’s holding you back, or even if something is holding you back at all … And often, what you think is holding you back is not the REAL thing that’s in your way.
The reason my obstacles kept coming back—and how I broke free
I kept hitting invisible walls, until I learned to dissolve the barriers that held me back—the effortless way.
How you can fear both success AND failure (and how to release both)
Yes, you can fear success and failure simultaneously. And both are only surface level fears.