Most of the time, we don’t experience this moment.

Not really.

We experience our thoughts about this moment.

We experience our judgments of what’s happening.

We experience our plans for what’s next or our memories of what’s already gone.

But the actual moment? The one that’s unfolding right here, right now?

We often miss it entirely.

So, let me ask you this:

What is this moment?

If you pause right now and really look—what do you see?

Not what you think about this moment. 

Not the labels, judgments, or stories. But what’s actually here?

Notice the sensations in your body.

Notice the sounds around you.

Notice the feelings, emotions, and thoughts moving through you.

Now, look deeper.

Can you experience these things without naming them?

Can you let them be what they are, without needing to change or fix them?

This is where life happens.

Not in the mind’s endless commentary, but in the raw, vibrant aliveness of what is.

When you really look, you might notice there are layers to experiencing this moment.

The first layer is the story:

“This is a good moment” or “This is a bad moment.”

“This shouldn’t be happening” or “I hope this doesn’t end.”

The story colors everything, like a filter over your life.

The second layer is the raw data:

Sensations. Sounds. Thoughts. Emotions.

These are the things the mind wraps into a story, but on their own, they’re just … happening.

And then, there’s what lies beneath it all:

The stillness. The awareness. The space in which everything arises.

This is where life truly unfolds.

Here’s a simple practice to explore:

1️⃣ Pause—right now. Take a breath.

2️⃣ Ask yourself: What is happening in this moment?

3️⃣ Notice: What’s here without the story? Without the labels? Without trying to fix, change, or judge it?

4️⃣ Rest: Rest as the awareness that’s watching it all unfold. What do you see?

When you do this, you might notice something surprising: 

Life becomes lighter. Freer. More alive.

Because you’re no longer caught up in what should be happening. 

You’re no longer tangled in the mind’s stories. You’re simply here, present, experiencing life as it is.

And when you experience life as it is, without the filters, you’re no longer just thinking about life.

You’re fully living it.

So, what is this moment—for you, right now?

Take a look. You might be surprised at what you find.




P.S.: If this resonates with you and you’re ready to explore how to live and work from this place of awareness, I’d love to support you through private coaching. 

Together, we’ll uncover the ease and freedom already within you, so every aspect of your life and business can feel as light as breathing. 


Click here to learn more.

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