Here’s some unconventional marketing advice that flies in the face of what you usually hear:

🔥 1. Stop trying to control results


  • Conventional advice:

Set measurable goals and track your progress.

  • Unconventional wisdom:

Goals and results arise naturally in the flow of life. The idea that you’re the one making things happen is just a story.

Let go of the belief that your marketing efforts are the cause of your success or failure.

Your actions are not the source of results—they’re simply movements arising within the greater flow of life.

  • Practical application:

Show up fully present, free of attachment to outcomes.

Write the email, post the message, or create the program because it’s what’s arising in this moment—not because it should get results.

Trust that those who resonate will find you in their own time.

🔥 2. Forget about your audience


  • Conventional advice:

Know your audience. Speak to their dreams and pain points. Write messages tailored to their needs.

  • Unconventional wisdom:

There is no ‘other.’

Your audience isn’t separate from you; they arise as part of the same flow of life.

When you express your truth from presence, those who resonate with it are naturally drawn to you.

  • Practical application:

Market as an act of self-expression. Don’t create your message to reach someone; let it be an authentic reflection of who you are and what you’re moved to share.

Forget trying to figure out what ‘they’ want and just express what’s true for you.

🔥 3. Do less, BE more


  • Conventional advice:

Consistency is key—post often, use multiple channels, and always stay top-of-mind.

  • Unconventional wisdom:

More actions don’t lead to better results.

In fact, actions born of striving often create resistance.

The less you ‘do’ and the more you rest in being, the more effortlessly the right actions arise.

  • Practical application:

Instead of forcing yourself to create content or follow a rigid plan, trust the rhythm of your own flow.

If inspiration arises, follow it. If not, rest in the spaciousness of doing nothing.

The right words and actions will come when the time is right. There’s no need to push and no benefit in forcing.

The core truth is this:

Marketing is not something you do to get something.

It’s simply life expressing itself as you, your message, and your clients.

Let it unfold without effort or interference. Everything is already happening exactly as it should.

👉 Imagine you’d FULLY believe these unconventional words of wisdom … what difference would that make in your business? And your marketing?

👉 How much easier would that be?

👉 How much more relaxed and carefree would you feel?

If this resonates with you, and you’d love to let your marketing be as natural and easy as breathing, my new program Easy, Stress-Free Marketing is for you.

Knowing that there’s nothing to ‘do’ besides letting your marketing arise from presence is one thing—actually applying that in daily life is another.

You can read all about Easy, Stress-Free Marketing and join here. 



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